
This module provides a performance optimization, and a way to reduce the size of the main flake.lock that is currently getting copied into all consuming flakes' lock files, which bothers some users.

The goals of this module are:

  • Do not load irrelevant modules when you evaluate an attribute of an already locked flake, it . If the flake was locked remotely, the sources for those dependencies would still have to be fetched. This is achieved by moving some imports and their related definitons into partitions.<name>.module and defining partitionAttrs.<attr> to point to that partition.

  • Don't copy irrelevant lock entries when you lock a flake that has the current flake as its input. This can be achieved by moving inputs into a subflake whose only responsibility is to provide the inputs, and then pointing partitions.<name>.extraInputsFlake to that subflake.


Definitions in the mkFlake root module (or a direct import into it):

partitionedAttrs.checks = "dev"; partitionedAttrs.devShells = "dev"; partitionedAttrs.herculesCI = "dev"; partitions.dev.extraInputsFlake = ./dev; partitions.dev.module = { inputs, ... }: { imports = [ ./nix/development.nix inputs.hercules-ci-effects.flakeModule inputs.git-hooks-nix.flakeModule ]; };


{ description = "Private inputs for development purposes. These are used by the top level flake in the `dev` partition, but do not appear in consumers' lock files."; inputs = { hercules-ci-effects.url = "github:hercules-ci/hercules-ci-effects"; git-hooks-nix.url = "github:cachix/git-hooks.nix"; # See https://github.com/ursi/get-flake/issues/4 git-hooks-nix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = ""; }; # This flake is only used for its inputs. outputs = { ... }: { }; }


  • A module in a partition can affect options that are not exported with partitionedAttrs. This will have an effect that is only observable in the attributes that are exported with partitionedAttrs, and not in the other flake attributes. This could be useful or surprising.

  • A flake used in extraInputsFlake is a separate flake, which means that you may have to duplicate e.g. a nixpkgs input for the purpose of follows. We don't have a way to override flake inputs after the effect.


imports must be loaded eagerly by the module system, because any module can affect the contents and shape of config. Declaring imports = [ foo ]; is simply not enough to know the effects of foo without getting foo's attributes.

Fortunately this fundamental limitation only applies one "layer" at a time. Every submodule has its own set of modules or imports and that allows us to still load modules lazily, as long as we provide the means for those modules to affect the root (here: the flake) in a controlled way. That is what this module does. It loads the "optional" modules into a separate submodule, and provides an option to load parts of that (sub)module evaluation into the root.


To use these options, add inside the mkFlake:

imports = [ inputs.flake-parts.flakeModules.partitions ];

Run nix flake lock and you're set.



A set of flake output attributes that are taken from a partition instead of the default top level flake-parts evaluation.

The attribute name refers to the flake output attribute name, and the value is the name of the partition to use.

The flake attributes are overridden with lib.mkForce priority.

See the partitions options to understand the purpose.

Type: attribute set of string

Default: { }


{ checks = "dev"; devShells = "dev"; herculesCI = "dev"; }

Declared by:


By partitioning the flake, you can avoid fetching inputs that are not needed for the evaluation of a particular attribute.

Each partition is a distinct module system evaluation. This allows attributes of the final flake to be defined by multiple sets of modules, so that for example the packages attribute can be evaluated without loading development related inputs.

While the module system does a good job at preserving laziness, the fact that a development related import can define packages means that in order to evaluate packages, you need to evaluate at least to the point where you can conclude that the development related import does not actually define a packages attribute. While the actual evaluation is cheap, it can only happen after fetching the input, which is not as cheap.

Type: attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }


{ dev = { extraInputsFlake = ./dev; module = ./dev/flake-module.nix; }; }

Declared by:


Extra inputs to add to the inputs module argument in the partition.

This can be used as a workaround for the fact that transitive inputs are locked in the “end user” flake. That’s not desirable for inputs they don’t need, such as development inputs.

Type: lazy attribute set of raw value

Default: if extraInputsFlake is set, then builtins.getFlake extraInputsFlake, else { }

Declared by:


Location of a flake whose inputs to add to the inputs module argument in the partition. Note that flake follows are resolved without any awareness of inputs that are not in the flake. As a consequence, a follows entry in the flake inputs can not refer to inputs that are not in that specific flake.

Implementation note: if the type of extraInputsFlake is a path, it is loaded with an expression-based reimplementation of builtins.getFlake, as getFlake is incapable of loading paths in pure mode as of writing.

Type: raw value

Example: ./dev

Declared by:


A re-evaluation of the flake-parts top level modules.

You may define config definitions, imports, etc here, and it can be read like any other submodule.

Type: submodule

Default: { }


{ imports = [ ./dev/flake-module.nix ]; }

Declared by: