
Easily integrate your Rust projects into Nix.


See the readme.



The source path that will be used as the ‘flake root’. By default this points to the directory ‘flake.nix’ is in.

Type: absolute path

Default: "self"

Declared by:


Configure devshells with flake-parts.

Not to be confused with devShells, with a capital S. Yes, this is unfortunate.

Each devshell will also configure an equivalent devShells.

Used to define devshells. not to be confused with devShells

Type: lazy attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }

Declared by:


Crate configurations

Type: lazy attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }


{ my-crate = { export = true; }; }

Declared by:


Profile to use for the tests only package

Type: null or string

Default: null

Example: "custom-profile"

Declared by:


Profile to use for clippy only package Note that you will need to add ‘clippy’ as a component to the rust toolchain you are using yourself

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Example: "custom-profile"

Declared by:


Change dependencies derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Profile to use for the docs only package

Type: null or string

Default: null

Example: "custom-profile"

Declared by:


Change main derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Whether to export this all of this crate’s outputs (if set will override project-wide setting)

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Example: true

Declared by:


Whether to include this crate’s docs in the project docs package

Type: null or boolean

Default: null

Example: false

Declared by:


If set, the given numtide devshell devshells.<name> will be populated with the required packages and environment variables to build this crate.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Profiles to generate packages for this crate (if set will override project-wide setting)

Type: null or (attribute set of (submodule))

Default: null


{ dev = {}; release.runTests = true; custom-profile.features = ["some" "features"]; }

Declared by:


Change dependencies derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Change main derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Features to enable for this profile. Set to ‘null’ to enable default features only (this is the default). If set to a list of features then ‘–no-default-features’ will be passed to Cargo. If you want to also enable default features you can add ‘default’ feature to the list of features.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: "[\"default\"]"


["tracing" "publish"]

Declared by:


Whether to run tests for this profile

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Declared by:


What to rename this crate’s outputs to in nix flake show

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Runtime libraries that will be:

  • patched into the binary at build time,
  • present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in development shell.

Note that when it’s patched in at build time, a separate derivation will be created that “wraps” the original derivation to not cause the whole crate to recompile when you only change runtimeLibs. The original derivation can be accessed via .passthru.unwrapped attribute.

Type: list of package

Default: [ ]


[pkgs.alsa-lib pkgs.libxkbcommon]

Declared by:


Targets to generate packages for this crate (if set will override project-wide setting)

Type: null or (attribute set of (submodule))

Default: null


{ wasm32-unknown-unknown.profiles = ["release"]; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.default = true; }

Declared by:


Whether or not this target is the default target

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Declared by:


Change dependencies derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Change main derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


The profiles to generate packages for this target.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: "all profiles"


["dev" "release" "custom-profile"]

Declared by:


A function to build a crate from a provided source (and crate path if workspace) automagically

The arguments are:

  • src: the source for the project (or crate if it’s just a crate)
  • cratePath: relative path to the provided src, used to find the crate if it’s a workspace
  • mkRustToolchain: function that outputs a rust toolchain package (like nci.toolchains.mkBuild, which is also the default), will be used when building
  • drvConfig and depsDrvConfig: see nci.crates.<name>.<drvConfig/depsDrvConfig> in this documentation (optional)

Type: function that evaluates to a(n) package (read only)

Declared by:


Each crate’s (or project’s) outputs

Type: lazy attribute set of (submodule) (read only)

Declared by:


Packages of this crate mapped to profiles

Type: lazy attribute set of package (read only)

Declared by:


All packages for all targets

Type: lazy attribute set of (submodule) (read only)

Declared by:


Packages of this crate mapped to profiles

Type: lazy attribute set of package (read only)

Declared by:


Tests only package for this crate

Type: package (read only)

Declared by:


Clippy only package for this crate

Type: package (read only)

Declared by:


The development shell for this crate

Type: package (read only)

Declared by:


Docs only package for this crate

Type: package (read only)

Declared by:


Projects (workspaces / crates) to generate outputs for

Type: lazy attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }


{ # define the absolute path to the project my-project.path = ./.; }

Declared by:


checkProfile option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.checkProfile option.

Type: string

Default: "release"

Example: "custom-profile"

Declared by:


clippyProfile option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.clippyProfile option.

Type: string

Default: "dev"

Example: "custom-profile"

Declared by:


Change dependencies derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


The crate to link it’s index.html when building project docs.

The default will be not symlinking any index.html.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Example: "my-crate"

Declared by:


docsProfile option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.docsProfile option.

Type: string

Default: "release"

Example: "custom-profile"

Declared by:


Change main derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


export option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.export option.

Type: boolean

Default: true

Example: false

Declared by:


includeInProjectDocs option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.includeInProjectDocs option.

Type: boolean

Default: true

Example: false

Declared by:


If set, the given numtide devshell devshells.<name> will be populated with the required packages and environment variables to build this crate.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


The absolute path of this project

Type: absolute path

Example: ./path/to/project

Declared by:


profiles option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.profiles option.

Type: attribute set of (submodule)


{ dev = { }; release = { runTests = true; }; }


{ dev = {}; release.runTests = true; custom-profile.features = ["some" "features"]; }

Declared by:


Change dependencies derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Change main derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Features to enable for this profile. Set to ‘null’ to enable default features only (this is the default). If set to a list of features then ‘–no-default-features’ will be passed to Cargo. If you want to also enable default features you can add ‘default’ feature to the list of features.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: "[\"default\"]"


["tracing" "publish"]

Declared by:


Whether to run tests for this profile

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Declared by:


runtimeLibs option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.runtimeLibs option.

Type: list of package

Default: [ ]


[pkgs.alsa-lib pkgs.libxkbcommon]

Declared by:


targets option that will affect all packages in this project. For more information refer to nci.crates.<name>.targets option.

Type: attribute set of (submodule)


'' { <host platform>.default = true; } ''


{ wasm32-unknown-unknown.profiles = ["release"]; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.default = true; }

Declared by:


Whether or not this target is the default target

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Declared by:


Change dependencies derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


Change main derivation configuration mkDerivation options must be defined under the mkDerivation attribute. Environment variables and non-mkDerivation options must be defined under the env attribute. This is passed to dream2nix as is, so you could also define any other dream2nix module options here (eg. rust-crane).

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


{ mkDerivation = { # inputs and most other stuff will automatically merge buildInputs = [pkgs.hello]; }; # define env variables and options not defined in standard mkDerivation interface like this env = { CARGO_TERM_VERBOSE = "true"; someOtherEnvVar = 1; }; }

Declared by:


The profiles to generate packages for this target.

Type: null or (list of string)

Default: "all profiles"


["dev" "release" "custom-profile"]

Declared by:


The toolchain configuration that will be used

Type: null or absolute path or (attribute set)

Default: null

Example: ./rust-subproject/rust-toolchain.toml

Declared by:


The function to (given a nixpkgs instance) generate a toolchain that will be used when building derivations

Type: function that evaluates to a(n) package

Declared by:


The function to (given a nixpkgs instance) generate a toolchain that will be used in the development shell

Type: function that evaluates to a(n) package

Declared by: